
Central Appalachian Faith Collaborative

Central Appalachian Faith Collaborative

Comprised of regional faith leaders representing Methodist faith, Mennonite Central Committee, Together for Hope addressing landholders within the region requesting collaboration for land access and formation of a strategic plan with the inclusion of climate study findings to prepare for in-migration into Central Appalachia

West Virginia University

WVU has provided speaking engagement opportunities to help educate WVU faculty and staff on the concept of mountain agriculture and the need for land grant universities to include this information as part of their curriculum to expose students to the opportunities surrounding food system and agribusiness career opportunities in our region. WVU has also included our organizations in grant applications to further support our work

West Virginia State University

Provides educational opportunities and workshops like tree grafting and works with T & T Organics on an orchard project on the demonstration site
Funded the first demonstration orchard with several varieties of fruit trees to begin research on viability of fruit tree production and orchard management on demonstration farm, along with providing workshops on land ownership

The Conservation Fund

Funded the first demonstration orchard with several varieties of fruit trees to begin research on viability of fruit tree production and orchard management on demonstration farm, along with providing workshops on land ownership

The Conservation Fund

Together for Hope

National organization focused on ending poverty – provided networking opportunities, foundation funds to install apiary and establish Appalachian Gold, a producer-focused brand

Coalfield Development

Supporting workforce development cohorts on demonstration, training and research farm